Fire risk assessments in Chester, Cheshire, Wirral and North Wales.

If you need a fire risk assessment carried out at your Chester premises, you’ve come to the right place.

With prices starting from just £295.00, our expert fire risk assessors will use their extensive experience to conduct a comprehensive fire risk assessment at your premises.  They will ensure all potential risks and hazards are identified as well as highlight the actions that must be taken to mitigate those risks.


Why do you need a fire risk assessment?

If you are responsible for a building, for example a employer, owner or occupier of premises that aren’t a single private dwelling (a private home), you need to make sure a suitably competent person completes a fire risk assessment.

If you don’t do it, you’re failing to protect people and breaching your legal obligations. You could end up being prosecuted as well as jeopardising your insurance. Even if your business has less than 5 people, you must carry out a fire risk assessment and record your fire risk assessment in full. 

But where do you start? Even for a very small business, there’s a lot to consider when conducting a fire risk assessment. In fact, not knowing where to begin can put many people off beginning at all. A fire risk assessment can be time consuming. That increases the tendency to rush through it to get it done – and that’s when mistakes are made. Risk assessments can be complex too. Some hazards are obvious, some are not.  If you miss something out, what could be the consequences?


Fletcher Risk Management’s fire risk assessors

Our fire risk assessors can assess an extensive range of environments with particular expertise in the education sector. Years of experience mean they see way beyond what’s right in front of them; they’ll conduct thorough and detailed assessments to identify the worst case scenarios if circumstances combined in a particular way at a certain moment in time. Once you know what those worst cases could be, and how they could arise, you can act to reduce risk and make sure they never become a reality. Our assessors will record all findings in detail and advise you about ways to keep fire risk assessments continually up to date even if circumstances change.


Supporting you after the fire risk assessment

Once the fire risk assessment is done, our assessors will identify the next steps you must take and offer you clear impartial advice about cost effective ways to address those next steps.

In lower risk businesses, you may feel confident putting effective actions in place to manage the risk. But you may want support implementing the actions. That’s something we can help you with. We can also deliver training to your employees to help them manage the actions and improve overall fire safety awareness. 


"We have engaged Fletcher Risk Management to carry out surveys on a number of our sites now, for a very important client of ours. I would never hesitate to send Tim to meet the staff on these sites because I know he would always be professional, friendly and accommodating with all staff.

The work he has produced for us exceeded our expectations by far, I would definitely recommend using this company."  - Marie Morgan, EIS Ltd


Do you need your fire risk assessment completing soon?

Then contact us straight away. We pride ourselves on our fast response and ability to quickly and flexibly meet our clients’ requirements.